
Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Shocking Revelation...

Here is a random act of literary genius:

I "Wow" at my most most shocking revelation.
It seems that my whole life I've been seeking to discover who I am,
and, guess what? I already have. I am who I am, don't say I'm a sham.
As I once heard somebody say, I am the sum-total of my experiences.

So I now know that I must not wonder who I am, but what will I become?
I've always strived to make a difference in everybodys' lives but my own.
It's time I set my own standards before setting everybody elses'.
It's time I quit waiting for destiny to fall on my lap;

It's time I go out and get it, 'stead of taking just a nap.

Until next time... peace!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Whoops! Apologies? Nah.

If you haven't noticed, my last entry was dated in early September. I haven't been on recently because the server this blog is hosted on went down because of a huge hurricane. Anyway, here I am again, back to torture you, my fans, with annoyingly satirical analogies of my daily life. Here goes nothing:

And so ends another day in the life of me. I've successfully managed to write an entire three page essay in less than three hours for my last class (Social Sci 22) tonite. I forgot about it (no seriously, I did!) and had to unleash my massively insane typing abilities on the school computer to get the job done in time. And look! I still have time to do this entry! Cool, huh? No. Fine. Suit yourself.
Anyway, I am going to continue working on an interactive story I've been working on for quite some time. If you want to check out what I've got so far, link to this URL. I started a long time ago, so my grammar kind of seems strange in the beginning but its gets progressively better after the first five or ten pages, so don't pass judgement too quickly. And I apologize for it being an ad-hosted Angelfire site, but they're really reliable despite the ads they force upon your webpages there. And I need reliable so none of my work gets deleted or lost. Until next time...