
Friday, November 18, 2005

Potheads v. Potterheads...

Well, I'm sitting at home surfing the net, while some of my friends are waiting in line to see the newest Harry Potter movie, "The Goblet of Fire" (I think thats what it is called). I never really got into the whole Harry Potter craze, so I always make jokes about the books/movies/games whenever they come up in a conversation. And now they're waiting in line for like 4 hours to see one of the first midnight showings of the next movie. Almost like I did for the Star Wars Episode 3 premiere. *Drools at memory...* Except it's for a freakin' Harry Potter movie! Potterheads...
And that brings me to this comparison: Potheads v. Potterheads - Which are crazier?
  1. Root of the Addiction...
    Pothead - A chemical substance from a plant that is illegal in many parts of the world.
    Potterhead - A series of books that make the reader wish they had magic powers.
    Crazier? = Pothead (honestly, don't do drugs kids!)
  2. Long Term Effects?
    Pothead - No proven physical changes, except a reputation as a pot-smoking slacker.
    Potterhead - Some spells have been known to cause cancer in laboratory animals.
    Crazier? = Potterhead (need I explain this? LOL)
  3. Lengths taken to Satisfy...
    Pothead - Addictees will steal to pay for the drug, or try to grow it without getting caught.
    Potterhead - Addictees will pay full price for books/movie tickets/DVDs/video games.
    Crazier? = Pothead (sometimes they just go too far.)
  4. Does it float?
    Pothead - Last time I checked, weed is a plant, so I'm assuming it floats in water.
    Potterhead - Harry's wooden wand is so saturated with magic, it would surely sink.
    Crazier? = Neither (okay, I admit it - buoyancy is irrelevant.)
Conclusion: It seems that, by all accounts, Potheads ARE crazier than Potterheads. It's a shame though, because now I don't have as much leverage against those Potterheads I call friends...
LOL, until next time,


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