
Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Halo 2 in the Hizzle!!

(Okay, well, according to my brother, the "slang master", 'hizzle' means house.)

The entire two hours that I waited in line for Halo 2 were well worth it. (Plus, I'm sure there were people who had to wait three times as long, so I feel pretty good.) That game kicks more @$$ than Duke Nukem and Arnold Swartzenegger combined!! I haven't beat the single player campaign yet, mostly due to work and homework that take up most of my free time, but I've managed. Also, I resigned up for XBox Live, so if any of you have got an X-Box, Halo 2, and X-Box Live, give me a shout out: My gamertag is "Mister Bulletz" (minus the quotes).
Anyway, I've got to run to get to my very informal and yet so very boring Ethnic Studies class. Oh well.
Until next time...


Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Gotta Go... Later!

Oh, sorry. I should say the above at the end of this message. Duh!
Anyway, it applies cuz I have to get to my next class quickly.
But I wanted to give a shout out to everybody, so you all know I am still alive!
It's been awhile sorry. Also I am really tired cuz I was out late last night waiting
to get Halo 2 Limited Edition. Now I have it, and I am too tired to play it (maybe).
Anyway, I gotta run like I said so until next time... uh... yeah...
