
Monday, October 17, 2005

Good luck, and then some...

Today was my lucky day. Cliché, I know, but true nonetheless.
I have my night class (Anthropology 1) Mondays, and it is in Vallejo (a bit of a drive from where I live) so I always have to leave earlier that I normally would to make it there on time.
Well, I got distracted surfing the net like I tend to do, and ended up leaving a little too late.
While on the freeway, I was unusually speedy and unusually aware of my surroundings (as to stay on the lookout for highway patrolmen) and managed to get to class in the nick of time as a result.
However, I'd forgotten to do the neccessary reading and a small bit of homework for the class, so when I got there and found my entire class AND the teacher pacing back and forth outside the door of our classroom, I knew divine intervention had taken place.
Apparently, the guy who had the keys for the classrooms was gone, and the only the other person with keys (the janitor) was in the hospital. Someone had forgotten to unlock the door earlier, so we had no way of getting inside.
My instructor's only other option was to lecture in the lobby or send us packing.
Not wanting to lecture in the hall, coupled with the fact that she was juiced up on painkillers to counter the effects of a shoulder injury, the teacher decided to cancel the class. This, after about fifteen minutes of waiting for someone to arrive who could open up the classroom, preceeded my heaving a sigh of relief. My only grievance - having wasted pricey gas to get there, and having to waste more pricey gas getting home.
BUT that's not all. On the way home, I was going just over (barely) 75mph on a 65mph freeway and a highway patrolmen just passed me up like I wasn't there. Of course the guy going like 95mph ahead of me may have had something to do with it, as well as the fact that I was slowing the fast lane I was driving in by going nearly the speed limit. Maybe cops do have some common sense...

Until next time,