
Thursday, July 20, 2006

My Bad! No seriously...

I apologize to anybody who reads this blog on a regular basis (that's what, all of 3 people), because I haven't posted in literally almost six months!

Here's the low-down.

- I no longer live in Vacaville; I moved to the East Bay (about 45 mins away) near Oakland.

- I made that move in early March for the sole purpose of going to a school called Ex'pression College for the Digital Arts, in Emeryville.

- I found a great church in San Francisco and I am attending regularly.

- Over the last three or four months, I have spent just over $1000 dollars to keep my car (ugh!) in decent running condition (I had to get new tires, and a brank spankin' new radiator, to name a few things)

- I met a gorgeous woman, and we sort of dated for about a week, but we had to part ways when I moved, and then she moved a shortwhile later to the Central United States, although we still keep in touch (but we're just friends).

- Now I share a house with (currently) two girls and a guy. The guy just moved in, after we got the previous guy kicked out for partying at night and keeping us up late when we had to work and go to school in the morning, etc.

- And that's about all I can think of at the moment........... whew!

Alright, I post later with more to say...

Until next time,

oh and BTW, I am enlarging the font of my posts from here forward not for my sake but to aid those who hate reading little tiny text on their 1600x1200 resolution monitors (you lucky chumps!)... ;)