
Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Christmas Time, and I Might Be Sick...

Well, folks, Christmas is bearing down upon us, and I may be sick. It started with a headache yesterday, and progressed to other unmentionable things. I feel a little better, and I am optimistic that I will be feeling fine come Christmas Eve, but who knows? Only time will tell.

Also, I had to move my website, and could not FTP this blog anymore, so I had host it on blogspot.com. It still works fine though so I'm not too concerned. Anyway, I think I need a nap.

Peace, and, uh, Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

A Lot to Say, But No Time To Say It...

As the world turns, I have to prepare for a final I am taking tonight, and another one on Thursday. But I didn't want to dissapoint my "loyal" fans, so here is a short series of complaints to dwell on tonight...

  • Ebay is advertising Bill Clinton's new book as a good gift item for men! Are they assuming all guys are diehard Democratic, Clinton followers? Geez...
  • Ebay is also advertising that Halo 2 is a good gift item for kids! Kids! I think Halo 2 is the coolest game ever concieved, but it is not appropriate for the age group in which Ebay recommends...
  • Finally, well, actually, I just forgot what the last thing was going to be... Oh well.


Tuesday, December 07, 2004

This sucks!

Well, I am now having to relocate my website's movies to another server, because 100webspace put on a file size limit to all free accounts. Don't get me wrong - they rock in all other aspects of webhosting, but that change sucks!
Luckily, I have been able to secure another helping of free, unrestricted webspace from BePlaced.Com!
So two (webservers) will have to do.

Also, I may not be on here for a few weeks, because finals are right around the corner, and I have to study, study, study, study, study! But no fear, the wise one is here, and Biology 15 isn't impossible, I've discovered...

So, I am fairly confident that I will pass all of my classes this semester, and when I do, I'm gonna PAR-TY!

(This will probably constitute putting together a large Halo 2 tournament or something...)
Until next time...


Thursday, December 02, 2004


Well, I am nearing Fall finals and I have never been happier.
The only thing that could ruin my spirits, is if I do bad on those finals.
That would really suck! Obviously...

Anyway, I finally finished Halo 2 and now I'm pissed off because they
leave you hanging and begging and pleading for more gaming action!!
I stopped whining after ten minutes or so, but I WANT HALO 3 !!!
Okay, maybe not that badly, but still it will be a momentous occasion
whenever it does occur...

On another note, I am still single, if there are any lovely ladies out there
(between the ages of 18 and 21) who are interested...
hint, hint...
(Please don't be intimidated by my cartoony online representation.)
Ahem... Anyway, I had an ordinary but fufilling Thanksgiving, and
can't wait till Christmas (well, actually I can, cause I haven't gotten
anything for my family yet...), and my birthday (1/3/05)! Woohoo!
(If you want to be send me something for my b-day via email, be my guest!)
On that note, I'll be 21 yrs. old and legally able to do pretty much anything!
(Although I'm not exactly sure what the extent of "anything" includes, esp. in California!)

Well, I have lots of junk to do, so I will speak to ya later.