
Tuesday, August 24, 2004

A Full Load...

Well, I am almost done with the first day of my second to last (if all goes well) semester of community college. I am taking a full load - 13.0 units - so I'll be pretty busy. Not too busy to continue the BJP (Blog Journal Project), but still pretty busy.
My first day has gone smoothly, with just the simple 'introduction to class' routine so far.
I am tired out though, because I had to lug about 25 lbs. of books and my backpack to the student store to try and sell some books back, but they only bought back one book, about 3 pounds, so I had to lug the other 22 or so lbs. back to my car across campus. Whew!
Now I have my last class coming up and then I can relax for the next day or so.
Ah, the perks of college! More soon...

Saturday, August 21, 2004


I had something happen today that most people only dream of...
- On the way home from work today, I stopped at a McDonalds to get some chicken nuggets and on the way out of the parking lot, I inexplicably bumped into the car in front of me at about 1 or 2 miles an hour. I freaked out cause I thought it was a car full of angry-looking spanish dudes I saw in the drive-thru. But as I pulled into the parking lot to converse with the driver of the other car, a white guy stepped out of the vehicle, a suped-up sedan of some sort, and inspected his rear bumper. Then he came over and told me that there was no damage to his car from what he could see, so I was in the clear as far as paying for damages was concerned. He got back in his vehicle and sped back out onto the main road without a second thought.
Amazing, huh?

I thought so too, because the average American would have sued me up the wazoo for back and neck problems, mental anguish, and that two centimeter scratch on the rear bumper.
I lucked out. Thank God for that.

I'm back!

Whew! What a week!
Last Sunday I went down to Anaheim on vacation to where else but Disneyland/California Adventures! I stayed at the California Grand Hotel, a very nice hotel I must say, and spent a ton of money! Luckily, my folks paid for most stuff, but I spent about 150 bucks of my own.
A few highlights included: pestering Goofy on the canoe ride, scoping out chicks by the pool, and going on a roller coaster (the Screamin' California) that left me feeling like I was walking sideways! I had some awesome food at the many restaurants scattered throughout the parks and also pigged out on cotton candy, frozen lemonades and stuff.
It was cool!
But now I am back home; I got home late last night.
And now I have to *pause for dramatics* go to work today! *sigh*
Oh, well. At least I can sleep in my own bed again!
Till next time...

Thursday, August 12, 2004


Today I got paid - but like every payday thus far, I have had to go on a 16.97 mile trip to get the freakin' check!
I wasn't so bad, cause I have a car to get me there, but in this sweltering heat (100*F) I felt like I'd walked at least half that distance to get there.
Crazy, huh?
Anyway, I got called into work unexpectedly, so I guess I'll have to cut this chit chat a little short.
Till next time...

A little background...

Name: moktoman (real name concealed to protect from possible humiliation)
Age: Born in 1984, do the math.
Hobbies: God, basketball, computers, video games, watching/making movies, surfing the net, to name a few.
Work: A "candy store" famous for its "gourmet" jelly beans. hint, hint.
Goals: achieve world peace, become famous yet humble, yada yada yada... rule the internet...yada yada... plus other stuff...

And with that out of the way, let the chaos begin...

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

In the beginning...

The Final Frontier.

These are the records of the human being, moktoman.
His continuing mission: To boldy figure out the opposite sex and rule the internet or something like that.
To be continued...